Frequently asked questions

We list below the answers to a number of questions concerning the matchmaking process and the seventh SAF€RA joint call.

Q   What is the objective of the matchmaking service?

A   To allow researchers to enter into contact with potential partners for the SAF€RA call, and to develop cross-border contacts. Researchers may publish an expression of interest containing the outlines of their proposal ideas, their competencies or their field of work. This aims at identifying common interest with other players and thus finally at submitting proposals as a consortium.

SAF€RA partners wish to encourage proposals from researchers who have not previously worked in the field of industrial safety, and therefore do not yet have a well developed network of relations with researchers and organizations in other European countries. SAF€RA partners also wish to encourage multidisciplinary projects, and recognize that researchers may not have a developed network outside of their own scientific discipline.

Q   What is the intended scope of the term industrial safety?

A   The scope of SAF€RA includes research on the prevention of major accidents, with off-site consequences and risks to the environment and society, and in particular the economic benefits of industrial safety solutions, safe innovative processes, preparedness and response as well as protection of the environment, new methods to enhance the creation of a safety culture and prudent attitudes, risk reduction strategies, reference technologies for life extension of aged and repaired structures, as well as products and systems required to improve industrial safety.

Q   Which types of partners are eligible for using the matchmaking service?

A   The service may be used by an individual researcher or group of researchers from a university, research institute or the R&D department of an SME or large firm. Please read the eligibility information in the SAF€RA Proposer guidelines document carefully, since each funding organization has its own eligibility criteria.

Q   If I don’t find a partner via this service, am I able to propose a project in the SAF€RA call without having developed a consortium?

A   Yes, a researcher or group of researchers from a single organization may make a proposal. The SAF€RA call steering committee will attempt to find suitable matches from other single-organization proposals, and will allow proposers to agree to combine their proposals in a single, merged proposal.

Q   Will I be able to update my expression of interest later?

A   Yes, you can come back to your expression of interest and edit it at any time (you will have to log in with your email and password).

Q   How long will this site keep operating?

A   The matchmaking service will be disabled after the pre-proposal submission deadline for the SAF€RA joint call. A backup of all user-submitted content will be kept by SAF€RA, but the information will no longer be publicly available.

Q   Will information in my expression of interest be used for evaluating proposals?

A   No, the evaluation of applications in the joint call will be based only on the information contained in the application form.

Image credit: oneeighteen, Creative Commons BY-NC licence.

Pre-proposal deadline June 12 2024